1 <?php
2     require(
3     session_start();
if(isset($_SESSION['admin_login'])) {
6             $invoice_id = $_GET[
7             $queryInvoiceItems =
"SELECT *,invoice_items.quantity as quantity FROM invoice,invoice_items,products WHERE invoice.invoice_id='$invoice_id' AND invoice_items.product_id=products.pro_id AND invoice_items.invoice_id=invoice.invoice_id";
8             $resultInvoiceItems = mysqli_query($con,$queryInvoiceItems);
9             $querySelectInvoice =
"SELECT * FROM invoice,retailer,distributor,area WHERE invoice_id='$invoice_id' AND invoice.retailer_id=retailer.retailer_id AND retailer.area_id=area.area_id AND invoice.dist_id=distributor.dist_id";
10             $resultSelectInvoice = mysqli_query($con,$querySelectInvoice);
11             $rowSelectInvoice = mysqli_fetch_array($resultSelectInvoice);
12         }
13     }
else {
15         header(
16     }
17 ?>
19 <!DOCTYPE html>
20 <html>
21 <head>
22     <title> View Invoice Details </title>
23     <link rel=
"stylesheet" href="../includes/main_style.css" >
24     <script type=
25         function PrintDiv() {
26             document.getElementById(
"signature").style.display = "block";
27             document.getElementById(
"footer").style.display = "block";
var divToPrint = document.getElementById('divToPrint');
var popupWin = window.open('', '_blank', '');
30             popupWin.document.open();
31             popupWin.document.write(
'<html><body onload="window.print()">' + divToPrint.innerHTML + '</html>');
32             document.getElementById(
"signature").style.display = "none";
33             document.getElementById(
"footer").style.display = "none";
34             popupWin.document.close();
35         }
36      </script>
37 </head>
38 <body>
39     <?php
40         include(
41         include(
42         include(
43     ?>
44     <section>
45     <div id=
"divToPrint" style="clear:both;" >
46         <h1 style=
"text-align:center;">Sales Invoice</h1>
47         <table
48         <tr>
49             <td><b> Invoice No: </b></td>
50             <td> <?php echo $rowSelectInvoice[
'invoice_id']; ?> </td>
51         </tr>
52         <tr>
53             <td><b> Order No: </b></td>
54             <td> <?php echo $rowSelectInvoice[
'order_id']; ?> </td>
55         </tr>
56         <tr>
57             <td><b> Retailer: </b></td>
58             <td> <?php echo $rowSelectInvoice[
'area_code']; ?> </td>
59         </tr>
60         <tr>
61             <td><b> Distributor: </b></td>
62             <td> <?php echo $rowSelectInvoice[
'dist_name']; ?> </td>
63         </tr>
64         <tr>
65             <td><b> Date: </b></td>
66             <td> <?php echo date(
"d-m-Y",strtotime($rowSelectInvoice['date'])); ?> </td>
67         </tr>
68         </table>
69         <form action=
"" method="POST" class="form">
70         <table
class="table_invoiceFormat" style="margin-top:50px;">
71             <tr>
72                 <th style=
"padding-right:25px;"> Sr. No. </th>
73                 <th style=
"padding-right:150px;"> Products </th>
74                 <th style=
"padding-right:30px;"> Unit Price </th>
75                 <th style=
"padding-right:30px;"> Quantity </th>
76                 <th> Amount </th>
77             </tr>
78             <?php $i=
1; while($rowInvoiceItems = mysqli_fetch_array($resultInvoiceItems)) { ?>
79             <tr>
80                 <td> <?php echo $i; ?> </td>
81                 <td> <?php echo $rowInvoiceItems[
'pro_name']; ?> </td>
82                 <td> <?php echo $rowInvoiceItems[
'pro_price']; ?> </td>
83                 <td> <?php echo $rowInvoiceItems[
'quantity']; ?> </td>
84                 <td> <?php echo $rowInvoiceItems[
'quantity']*$rowInvoiceItems['pro_price']; ?> </td>
85             </tr>
86             <?php $i++; } ?>
87             <tr style=
88                 <td colspan=
"4" style="text-align:right;"><b> Grand Total: </b></td>
89                 <td>
90                 <?php
91                     mysqli_data_seek($resultInvoiceItems,
92                     $rowInvoiceItems = mysqli_fetch_array($resultInvoiceItems);
93                     echo $rowInvoiceItems[
94                 ?>
95                 </td>
96             </tr>
97         </table><br/><br/>
98         <b>Comments:</b> <br/> <?php echo $rowSelectInvoice[
'comments']; ?>
99         <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>
100             <p id=
"signature" style="float:right;display:none;">(Authorized Signatory)</p>
101             <p id=
"footer" style="clear:both;display:none;padding-bottom:20px;text-align:center;">Thank you for your Bussiness!</p>
102         </div>
103         <input type=
"button" value="Print Invoice" class="submit_button" onclick="PrintDiv();" />
104         </form>
105     </section>
106     <?php
107         include(
108     ?>
109 </body>
110 </html>

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